Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Three R’s - Recognition Reflection Reaction

Life is a journey toward a goal or destination.  As we live our lives, we must navigate to our destination much the same as an airplane flies to its destination avoiding turbulence and taking advantage of favorable winds.  An airplane vectors from one point to another in route to its destination. 

While we do not have radar to assist us in our journey, I think that by visualizing, we can be conscience of opportunities and obstacles along our way.  Consequently, we may be able to take advantage of the opportunities and avoid obstacles in our way.

I am suggesting that a vector crossing our path can affect our journey and perhaps result in a change in our destination.  Here are the three -R’s – recognition, reflection, reaction.

Recognition – We should keep our heads-up and be aware of activities in our space.  It is easy to miss an opportunity or encounter an obstacle if we are preoccupied and not paying attention.

Reflection - Once we detect an event or situation, we need to evaluate the potential consequences of action or no action.

Reaction – Now is the time for action! The old cliché is that you do something even if it is wrong.  Or perhaps patience is the better part of valor. 

This blog contains examples of action that I have taken.  I encourage others to share their experience with a vector crossing.

Thanks, Glyn

Friday, September 21, 2012

A Free Flu Shot

 In the year 2004 there was a shortage of flu vaccine.  Ann avoided the flu shot because one had given her a bad case of the flu while we were attending UT Austin.   

After becoming members of Security Horizons, a Medicare provider, we joined the North Town YMCA.  Posted at the sign-in desk was a yellow flyer stating that flu shots would be given to individuals 65 years of age and older (Vector Crossing) by the North Dallas Share Ministries (NDSM).   

Well in seeking this immunization, I made my way that night to the NDSM location which was extremely difficult to find.  The people were very cordial to me, and I received the sought-after shot.  I then asked the nurse what NDSM was about.   

Hearing about the many services that NDSM provided people in need, I discussed the possibility of volunteering with Ann.  She thought the idea was sound, and so we made our initial visit to NDSM.  We have been active volunteers for over eight years, Ann as an ESL coordinator and front receptionist and I as an interviewer and job counselor.  

There many, many clients for whom we have provided aid and comfort.  We also have realized much personal satisfaction for our work at NDSM.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

An Ad in the Paper

One of my Vector Crossings was ad published in a newspaper.  How can an ad change one’s career direction?

After completing my PH.D., I quickly learned that having a PH.D. by your name did not result in an instant job.  However, one day a few months after my graduation, Ann saw an ad in the Dallas Morning News for a teaching position at Amber University in Garland (Vector Crossing).  We had never heard of Amber, but I contacted Amber requesting an interview.  The result was a seven year job as Professor of Management at Amber University (Now named Amberton Univeristy).

Please comment in this blog or email me at  
describing one of your vector crossings.

Thanks, Glyn

Monday, September 10, 2012

Vector Diagram - General Form

Below is a diagram of the basic Vector Structure.  Please note when a second vector intersects or crosses the individual's vector that the result may be a change in direction and destination for the individual.